Friday, March 12, 2010

The world of blogging revisited

It's been quite some time since I considered a blog as a way of keeping in touch with friends. I've been using my website as my primary means of updating information about prints and projects but since it's a static object, it's hard to alert folks when new things are posted. It seems like a blog might be a better means of providing updates on an ongoing basis.

I've got a few ideas that seem like they are good areas to cover but I am interested in your ideas as well. New drawings, technical topics involved with drawing including materials, tools, and various techniques, it might be interesting to include a few reviews along the way of things like different pencils, books, or even other artists but I am open to other ideas as well.

Since I am also still planning on sending out a quarterly newsletter (resuming in the second quarter of 2010), this blog will serve as a great means of populating information for that as well, especially in case people haven't been actively following the blog.

I look forward to hearing your ideas in the comments section and am open to ideas for future posts that you'd like to see covered. If you've had a questions about either my artwork or drawings in general, feel free to post the question or send me an e-mail. I'll try to cover these question in future blog entries.

Have a great Spring!

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